Inspiration to Writing

You know I enjoy hanging out and talking with my older neighbors. Many of them are veterans like me. They have cool first hand stories from World War II, working on a Navy ship, when they talk about their college days, and more. Many of them have stories that they cannot say in public because they would have the military show up on their door step when they do public their story. However, I believe their is a way to tell their story in a way that it would not be giving names, detail in the story that would give them away.

The answer is telling a fantasy fiction story. You can tell many stories with fiction characters who are not human. You can change the problem in the story to something else. This is another way that fiction story can be used to help these who felt like they cannot tell their story without being stop by someone else. I would not be surprise that many people who creator manhua in China would be telling their own story in fiction stories. Manhua is the Chinese word for comic. Manhua are simply to manga which is comic in Japanese.

There are many cool manhua and manga that include worker class that tells the story from one individual that may cover fantasy, romantics, comedy, and etc. And it is not all written to kids, a good part are made for full adults who have real problems in the modem world today. The reason why I bring this as an example is because in the US we have many people who feel like they could not write, draw, or create anything cool. My point is that everyone have a story to tell and someone may love to hear your story. There is growing love for Japanese and Chinese culture in the US. I would not be surprise that many countries would like to heard individual stories from the US about US culture.

To concussion about my neighbor who have a cool story to tell, he will be talking to me for advise on how to change his story to fiction story that will not give away important detail that will get him in trouble with the military. It is not the military fault, it is just that their are jobs that are dangerous and the military does not want to scary off people from joining. We are in a society today who don’t understand that there are certain jobs in the military that key to our country safety.

I would love to heard your thought on this subject. If you have friends and family who keep talking about really cool stories they live though, encourage them to write and if they don’t want people to learn who they are. They can create a pin name and change the character to non-humans, change the environment such as outer space, or different time periods such as a the stone age.