Not Easy being Create…

This week is one of those week when things such does not go as plan. I had some personal life stuff happen this week that have made it hard to stay focus on create new content. Mostly it is people that got in the way. This had happen to me a few time that I know it is the price for trying something new. Any time when you are trying to start your own business or working on a new project at work, there will be a few that just does not want to see you be successful at it.

When this happen, I allow myself to be flexible and broken my own rules. Just like I say that I would have new design for my sale by Monday, I just decide to delay it a little bit. It is not like I am a large company or have a large follower base right now so I could get away with that kind of stuff. Plus I did not give myself time off in between working on my part time job and working on my business which I am bad at.

Angie School life Art by Maria Hargis

However, I did get an awesome artwork of Angie, my main character from my comic series Angie’s Adventures, done. It is a picture of her if she were in school. I believe this picture will give you a little look into what kind of personally she will have.

If you would like to support me, you can like or subscribe to my blog for more post such as this one. And if you would like support my art, you can visit my website: for T-shirts, mugs, and prints of art for sale.

Finding Inspiration/ How Do You Find Inspiration?

The video is a update on my business. I have been working a couple of part time job to make up for the missing income and for better camera equipment for more videos. I will be making video for online courses. However, right now I am looking for better video editor software. The current software program I have is not able to do what I want it to do. I want to be able to make fast speed video of me painting on canvas. I want to be able to show you my progress. It have been a learning progress figure out how to make that happen.

Also in the video I take about how I was inspired to make more traditional art from my comics series Angie’s Adventures. I feel like I have a lot of ideas for new painting ever since I starting working on comics.

Wednesday Thoughts

Date: 3/6/19

Every Wednesday I come out with a new episode of Nocturnal Orphan on Webtoons. It is a lot of work to make comics and write the story for them; however, I love telling stories and drawing the illustrations that goes with them. It is a challenge every week to made them. That is why it give me great enjoy when people read them and tell me that they like it.

I am very new at making comics, however, each time I work on a new episode, I feel like I am getting better. Most of my influences comes from the many anime, manga, and comics I have watch or reed. Stories have a way of aspirate us to be better person and/or never giving up when things are hard. I also think it is a great way of being connection with each other by having discussion about what we think of the story. I hope that my stories help someone.

I had times in my life when things was hard to overcome and stories have remember me to keep moving forward. I am still moving forward and I don’t regret that I never give up on my dreams. I am still on my journey to my dreams, however, one part of my dream have came true. Which to be a comic book artist.

The things about dreams, you have to keep pushing toward them even when it looks hopeless. I feel like I had a lot of detours that delay me from my dreams, but now that I look back…I would not be able to write the way I do if I have not took the detours. I had a lot of heartache and painful events that happen in my life and I am able to create a story that express these feelings that other can related to. So if you get lost on the way, it is very possible to get back to your dreams and you can use what you learn towards your dreams. The most important part to remember is to never give up.