We Live in a Society….

I have to say I was wow… when I say the movie Joker. It left me speechless. At first it was very daunting because it felt like a prediction. I have been following the “woke” and “metoo” movements. It felt like the Joker was the spark that set off chaos. You could tell thought out the whole move that there was problems with society and it could be set off into chaos with just one little blow.

We live in a society that is very simpler to what is in the movie. Just yesterday I heard of a story where a 23 year old woman is fighting for her right to die because her mental health is so bad and she cannot handle the pain from crippling from her period. We are having more young people who are not able to handle the normal cruel world when they want to give up on living. Children are being raise being protection from the cruel world to the point, they are not prepare for how cruel it really is.

“We live in a society…

Years ago I heard of a story when 2 out 3 people deal with depression or some type of anxiety. And the media does not help with this, it make things worst with fake stories and dividing whole groups of people from others. Now we have more people believes things such as the moon landing was not real but fake. Because if you keep putting out fakes stories than people will start believing rumors and what is on the internet forms.

“We live in a society…

Also, if we think about how the labors workforce are being treating than you would see more problems. They are starting to be treating less than human. Many company human resources departments are a joke. I don’t think telling people to treat each other nicer is going to fix that. I think the problem is many people are not made for the regular workforce such as me. I am lot happier now because I am working for myself and controlling my own future.

We live in a society…

However, it is very hard to start a business when your only way of getting your name out is social media. Social media is turning more pro corporation which is making it hard for small time business owners. In fact, I have been shadow ban on Facebook and Twitter. They are shared my content less and less. I know I am not the only one having this problem, it is starting to be notice by the media. There are expect who came out and say that it is a real problem.

“We live in a society…

And if that was not bad. There is talk about a civil war may happen to the US. The extreme left Democrats in Congress are fighting with the Trumps Federal agencies over border security concerns. The last year, the Democrats have say some crazy things and the media only report “Orange Man Bad.” Like we live in some stone age period where intelligent is left out.

“We live in a society…

Oh, and the trade war with China is getting worst. It is possible that China have their hand in our money too and may have control over a US recession.

“We live in a society…

I think our biggest problem is mental health because if we don’t have adults with mental toughness than many will not be able to deal with the troubles that may come our way in the future. I believe that movie may end up being a wake up call for many. I just hope that it would do that because if we cannot handle failing a test or rejection than we are in trouble if our peaceful times come to an end.