Woke on Shipt Facebook group – Apartment or Not!

So I have been working the Shipt thing, you know shopping for groceries for other people and delivery them to their home. Shipt have a Facebook group when the shopper and I guest customer share their experiences on the group. So it was post of a cart full of kitty 20 lb litter and it was a joke it was order only. However, I comment about my experiences because I did once have a simpler experiences of someone ordering a lot of kitty litter and I had to delivery it to apartment.

So I made the comment that kind of stuff happen a lot and it have happen more often at apartment when I would have to go to the fifth floor and delivery it to them and they would not tip me. And that is why I don’t accept order for apartment. I had two people response to my comment and say that I am discriminated against apartment order and say that it was lazy not to accept order for apartment.

I try to explain myself and say it is due to me having a bad back and I cannot afford to not work due to injury helping customer who would mistreat me. It have happen before and where they have taking advantage of my kindness and I would do a lot of hard labor and not be tip.

That did not stop another people from comment and saying that people in apartment are disable too and have bad back and what I was doing for judging them. So I asked you should I ignore my back problems and do apartment where I may end up injury myself because their problems mean more than mine?

I end up tagging the Admin to the group and reporting the last person comment as Harassment to the group Admin. I did have one person come to my defense and agree with me that I have the right to say no apartment due to my back problems and say that it is my free choice to do so. The post end up getting taking down most likely by the Admin team in the group. I think what it is there are people on Facebook doing this on purpose attacking people and it is Facebook bullying from the woke.

This is not the first time I have seen this on Facebook groups. I have seen this happen on several Facebook group. I believe there are a lot of woke people joining these Facebook group just to try to start drama and discourage other people from wanting to share their opinion in the group.

If you was wondering what I have been up to. I have been working the Shipt as a part time job while I work on my business. And sorry that it have been a while since I last post anything. I will be starting up school soon in computer programming. I will be going into the IT field and I plan to learn game design on my own. I hoping to do combination of my skills in engineering and art in game design and IT field. I will have more on that soon.